It’s that time of year again. From October 1st to March 1st, we will be open to submissions for Beatdom #23. This time, our theme will be The Environment.

As always, we prefer that submissions relate both to the chosen theme and also to the Beat Generation. (We are open to broad interpretations of both the theme and “Beat Generation.” We are willing, for example, to consider post-Beat and other mid-to-late-twentieth century artists.)

Ideas for submissions include:

  • environmentalism in Beat poetry (ie the work of Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder)
  • environmental activism among Beat and Beat-related artists
  • eco-criticism of Beat novels

We are open to essays, interviews, and reviews. See our back issues for the style and content we prefer. There’s also more info on submissions here.

Submissions should be sent to editor (at) beatdom [dot] com prior to March 1st, 2023.