Today, Beatdom Books is delighted to announce the release of Burroughs and Scotland, an important new book by Chris Kelso.

Burroughs and Scotland examines the relationship between Beat author William S. Burroughs and Kelso’s home nation of Scotland. Burroughs visited Scotland several times, most notably to attend a writers’ conference and also to study Scientology at the Edinburgh branch of that “weird cult.”

Kelso’s book asks and answers questions about why Burroughs was so attracted to Scotland and why dark, Burroughsian fiction appealed to Scots. Blending fact and fiction, Burroughs and Scotland is a gripping but informative read that 3am Magazine called “painstakingly researched.” It is also, as you can see here, beautifully illustrated:

You can read more here and find it on Amazon here. It can also be ordered through Water Row Books or your local bookseller.