So Beatdom #14 (the movie issue) is now on sale. All your friends are talking about it. You’re seething with a jealous rage. You can’t check your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr because of all the talk about the sexy new issue of Beatdom….
Well, that means it’s about high time you took the leap and got yourself a copy of the world’s favorite Beat literary journal. Here’s how:
#1 – Buy it on Amazon. This is the link for a paper copy. Don’t forget to leave a review. It’s not easy to get your publication noticed as a small press, and reviews really make a difference.
#2 – Buy it for your Kindle. There’s no getting away from it – the paper copy looks better, but can you beat instant delivery for only $0.99? Also, Kindle saves trees.
#3 – Why not get both? If you buy the paper copy via Amazon, you are allowed to download the Kindle version for free! Now that’s a sweet deal, right?
#4 – Send $12 plus shipping ($2 us; $6 international) to davidwills258 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com or wills.david [AT] gmail [DOT] com via PayPal. Please remember to add your address so that we know where to ship the magazine. If you have any questions about your PayPal order, please e-mail editor [AT] beatdom [DOT] com.