The latest title from Beatdom Books is Tony R. Rodriguez’s magnificent road novel, Under These Stars, and it is now available in both paperback and Kindle format.
Here’s what the critics are saying:
“In a confession-booth voice, Rodriguez overflows with pure American Zeitgeist. Listen close — and buckle your literary seat-belt.” —ERIC DROOKER, illustrator of the film “HOWL” and the book “HOWL: A GRAPHIC NOVEL”
“Tony R. Rodriguez is an exciting writer, raw as an exposed nerve, who prods and probes the dark recesses of the human psyche with excruciating candour. He wrestles with restlessness and the desire for rest, and grapples in life’s gutter with the meaning of life.” —JOSEPH PEARCE, author of “SHAKESPEARE ON LOVE”
“Tony R. Rodriguez has deposited a proverbial elephant in the literary room, having followed it like a Twitter junkie. His books — as timely as hell and as entertaining as heaven —prove that satire is winning the race with reality.” —PAUL KRASSNER, author of “CONFESSIONS OF A RAVING, UNCONFINED NUT”
“It occurs to me that Tony R. Rodriguez is working dicey ground. In the tradition of other literary rowdies, Kerouac, Bukowski, Kesey, he is not afraid of the lyrical in the service of the earthy. Or the spiritual ode in the quest for worldly sense. And . . . he uses language the way Hendrix used his guitar: to make beautiful noise.” —COREY MESLER, author of “FOLLOWING RICHARD BRAUTIGAN”
“The energy and exuberance of Tony R. Rodriguez’s prose will leave readers reeling. Perhaps only Roth in ‘PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT’ and the novels of Kerouac compare. Don’t drink any coffee before reading: you won’t need it.” —ERIC MILES WILLIAMSON, author of “EAST BAY GREASE”
“Finally, one of the fellaheen has his say! Tony R. Rodriguez brings a long-needed, authoritative tale of the heroine to Beat oeuvre. His voice is an exciting mix of scholarly and street, a modern sensibility that will jolt readers upright and make them remember they are ALIVE—and all the joy and pain and beauty that comes with it!” —BRENDA KNIGHT, author of WOMEN OF THE BEAT GENERATION
“Under These Stars takes the modern day road trip and turns it into an existential journal through the physical and digital landscapes we now cohabitate. It is a 21st century exploration of America if Jack Kerouac were a woman and living in an overexposed media-filled world.” —CHRISTOPHER CARMONA, lecturer at the University of Texas at Brownsville, and author of BEAT
“Under These Stars is quite the road trip, brimful of great music, some decent waves, a tasty selection of brews, and a fascinating critique of filmographies that accompany the reader while experiencing a journey of self-reflection and being human. Tony R. Rodriguez writes a sobering speculation of reality.” —NICH L. PEREZ, CSC, Holy Cross Brother, Communications Faculty at Holy Cross College at Notre Dame, Indiana
“Under These Stars is the literary soundtrack of a modern Beat Generation that copes with a combustible reality they’re responsible for shaping. Rodriguez is a clever wordsmith who puts you right in the driver’s seat of a life-changing trip.” —SONNY KILFOYLE, lead singer of the band MINKS
“I have been handed many Road books in the last 25 years—this one is on the top of the heap.” —TOM PETERS, poet/proprietor at BEAT BOOK SHOP