Beatdom is once again open for submissions. Until November 1st we will be accepting the usual mix of essays, short stories, artwork, and poetry for Beatdom #14: The Movie Issue.
Naturally, there is a great scope for interpretation of the topic. You could write about the movie Jack Kerouac and Lucian Carr went to see after Carr killed David Kammerer. You could write about the process of making On the Road into a movie, or Howl or Naked Lunch for that matter. There’s also the influence of movies on the writing style of William S. Burroughs, or in the lives of other counterculture figures associated with the Beat Generation.
All poetry, stories, and art should be on-topic, too.
Here are our official guidelines.
Please send submissions to the usual address: editor {at} beatdom [dot] com.
hello david
on the original facebook post it mentions you’re accepting art submissions, but there’s no mention of them in the guidlines.
i would love to create and submit something for beatdom #14, as william burroughs and his methods feature heavily in everything i do.
i have contributed 4 cut-up style art pieces to joe ambrose & antony hitchin’s upcoming’cut ups’ book.
i look forward to hearing from you.
all my best
billy chainsaw
Sorry. Yes, we accept art but usually commission it specifically. I will e-mail you later with details.
where do i email my submissions for poems, cant find a bloody email address