Hurricane throws roller coaster in ocean
Breakers crash
Turbulent foam
Roller coaster stands in cold mid-Atlantic
Ultimate seaside water ride
Water slide
High tide, low tide
Twisted metal
Open sky
Roller coaster big twisted spider lace monster
Ocean is bigger
On deck of big, big ship
Octopus black ink night
High, high up
Winds scowled and howled
The ship was big, so big
But salt ocean, bigger
The sea is my brother
Big brother, so big, powerful, unknown, deep brother
Biggest brother, Bing Crosby
Roller coaster ride, cowboy, go, go, gone coaster
(Jack Kerouac visited Edie Parker’s grandmother’s house in Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Allen Ginsberg played on Belmar, New Jersey, beaches as a boy. )

(photo: Seaside Heights, NJ. Thanks, Drew Flatley.)