We found this while doing some research on the Charters’ Book, Brother-Souls:John Clellon Holmes, Jack Kerouac and the Beat Generation. It has only had 79 views so far, so enjoy something new!!!
Read a review of their book and learn about John Clellon Holmes and Jack Kerouac in Beatdom 12!!!
It is published on the University Press of Mississippi. Buy a copy on Amazon or at the usual outlets. It is one of the best Beat reads you will ever find!
also check out this series on Youtube! Here is the first of many related links…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6hOtKLK3WY&feature=list_other&playnext=1&list=SP395B4C035E444B3C
This is an excellent bio and more. Right up there with Nicosia’s biography. Buy and Enjoy it.
thanks for the comment, Stephen. it certainly shows itself to be a labor of love. they sure put a lot of time and work into it!